

Malchus is the lowest sefira in any context. She is the universal recipient of any expression of any other (by definition higher) sefira: in the language of kabbala, “it has nothing to call its own.” Malchus manifests as the mouth, or speech, because the mouth expresses all of ones thoughts and emotions; speech, because words are little boxes (“teiva” means “word” in Loshon HaKodesh) to carry thoughts and emotions. Malchus manifests as earth and the womb since, like speech, they take a small thing and give it life, i.e., a seed becomes a sprout, a womb develops a child. Malchus receives from the sfiros above her, but she in turn becomes the kesser to next world, i.e., the highest rung in the consequent world which creates something from nothing.

Malchus is also called, nukva, or female.


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