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Category: Elul

Getting Motivated

Getting Motivated

Part 2 of the Rebbe’s ma’amer Ani Ledodi 5732 (1972). Read Part 1 here. Approximately 8 minutes to read. In Elul the king is in the field—G-d is available for us to approach. Now is a time for personal stocktaking, introspection, and a sincere change of heart from our less than positive behavior. In the previous installment, our ma’amer asked several questions: If Elul is the time when “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine,” — a time…

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Is it ever too late to resolve personal differences? What would you do if someone had done something to hurt you and then asked for forgiveness? What if someone you care deeply about did something to you that hurt you? Would you forgive them? How many times?   This is Part One of the Rebbe’s ma’amer Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li, 5732 (1972). Find Part Two here. “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine,” the first letter of each word…

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It was you all along

It was you all along

Is reading a self-help book self-help? Or is it the author’s help? If we are inspired by someone to do something, are we still self-motivated? Perhaps we’re just being influenced? In his ma’amer, Ani L’Dodi, the Rebbe answers this question and sheds light on the mystery of man serving G-d. This is part five and the final installment of this series featuring the Rebbe’s ma’amer, Ani L’Dodi, 5726 (1966). Part One, Elul — Being Proactive Part Two, He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits…

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Not Just What You Do, But Who You Are

Not Just What You Do, But Who You Are

Who are you? What does it mean to “be me”? What is a Jew? When the King, G-d, awaits us in the field during Elul, He expresses His true self, not just His majesty. This gives us a chance to learn who we are. In Part Four of Ani L’dodi, we discover that there’s more to us than just our human cognition, feelings, and drives—there’s our real self! This is Part Four of Five of our Elul series, the ma’amer Ani L’dodi…

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He Awaits you, Wherever You Are

He Awaits you, Wherever You Are

Often, the process is greater than the goal. A lot of us struggle with having clear goals and attaining them. Usually, this is because we tend to be near-sighted; only noticing the immediate struggle and the grind of being consistent. How can we be expected to have a meaningful Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur? How can we ensure that we stick to the resolutions we make? Elul is coming, and we have the opportunity to come face-to-face with G-d Himself….

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He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits For You

He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits For You

During Elul, G-d isn’t inspiring us, but He’s intriguing us. He’s preparing us to be inspired. In the second part of “Ani L’dodi,” the Rebbe sheds light on the notion that there’s more to a king than just his awe-inspiring persona. There’s the king himself. But how do we go about accessing the king, G-d, Himself?   This is Part Two of Five Part One: Elul—Being Proactive Part Three: He Awaits you, Wherever You Are Part Four: Not Just What You Do,…

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Elul—Being Proactive

Elul—Being Proactive

Have you ever experienced difficulty feeling inspired on the High Holidays? The entire month before Rosh HaShanah, Elul is traditionally known as the time to spiritually ready ourselves for the Days of Awe. In this ma’amer, the Rebbe sets forth a clear plan to develop a relationship with G-d during Elul, so we feel ready when the High Holidays come around.   Part one of five of the ma’amer Ani L’dodi, 5726 (1966) Part Two: He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits…

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