Alive Against Our Will?

Alive Against Our Will?

You’re probably familiar with the statement, “Against your will you live and against your will you die.” It means that the soul is thrown into the physical body and this physical world while all she wants is to be attached to G-d.

Here the Rebbe Rashab asks the question: there’s a general principle that a hamshocho, spiritual “drawing down,” or expression can only willful. So, how then could it be that the soul is forced into the body?IMAG0550_1

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He explains that the soul actually does yearn for the opportunity to become closer with G-d by means of the body and upon death, she yearns to be able to continue her effect on the body.

The source is Yom Tov Shel Rosh HaShanah (i.e., the first ma’amer), Sefer HaMa’amorim, 5659

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