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Tag: teshuvah

It was you all along

It was you all along

Is reading a self-help book self-help? Or is it the author’s help? If we are inspired by someone to do something, are we still self-motivated? Perhaps we’re just being influenced? In his ma’amer, Ani L’Dodi, the Rebbe answers this question and sheds light on the mystery of man serving G-d. This is part five and the final installment of this series featuring the Rebbe’s ma’amer, Ani L’Dodi, 5726 (1966). Part One, Elul — Being Proactive Part Two, He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits…

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It’s All For Us

It’s All For Us

What happens when we accept someone exactly as they are? What if there’s something wrong with them? Won’t our acceptance be confused with approval? The Rebbe answers this and other questions in his ma’amer Ani L’dodi of 5726 (1966). This is the final installment of this ma’amer. Read the previous installments here: Part One: Elul — Being Proactive Part Two: He Doesn’t Wake You, He Waits For You Part Three: He Awaits you, Wherever You Are Part Four: Not Just What You Do, But Who…

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Iggeres HaT’shuva: End of Chapter Four, Tammuz 16, 5775

Iggeres HaT’shuva: End of Chapter Four, Tammuz 16, 5775

So far the Alter Rebbe explained how Hashem has 10 faculties (sfiros) which He chose to create and manage all of existence. The Alter Rebbe also explained how these 10 faculties (sfiros) are manifest in the four letters of His name, Havaye. Today the Alter Rebbe explains:  Since: a. Our soul was breathed into us by G-d (Havaye). b. One who exhales, does so from within. Then: c. Our soul contains the same 10 faculties that Havaye has (“hamavdil havdolos l’ein…

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Inspiration and T’shuva

Inspiration and T’shuva

The Rebbe Rashab explains in the first ma’amer of Samach Vov, that there is a difference between r’usa d’liba (awakening of the heart, inspiration) and t’shuva (return). He explains that the difference lies in the approach. Inspiration is a result of realizing that one is in the presence of something greater, namely G-d, and wanting to be a part of this greater being. T’shuva on the other hand is a result of realizing how far one is from G-d followed…

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