Iggeres HaT’shuva: End of Chapter Four, Tammuz 16, 5775

Iggeres HaT’shuva: End of Chapter Four, Tammuz 16, 5775

So far the Alter Rebbe explained how Hashem has 10 faculties (sfiros) which He chose to create and manage all of existence. The Alter Rebbe also explained how these 10 faculties (sfiros) are manifest in the four letters of His name, Havaye.

Today the Alter Rebbe explains: 


a. Our soul was breathed into us by G-d (Havaye).

b. One who exhales, does so from within.


c. Our soul contains the same 10 faculties that Havaye has (“hamavdil havdolos l’ein keitz,” there is an infinite difference between us and G-d).


 When we recognize the truth of G-d’s existence, we manifest our version of chochma. When we deepen our understanding and try to analyze what we know about Hashem, we manifest our version of binah. And so forth.

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