Tanya in Depth—Chapter 1, Class 4

Tanya in Depth—Chapter 1, Class 4

This class (after a brief introduction) explores the basic character traits of the G-dly and animal natures.
The animal nature is:
  1. Self-centered (selfish)
  2. not visionary; interested only in the here and now,
  3. Lives in fear and only survives; she has no trust.
The G-dly nature is:
  1. G-d centered (selfless)
  2. Has a great vision, and is very interested in where it is from and what is its purpose and where is it going,
  3. Has trust in it’s Creator and therefore “lives” and doesn’t only “survive.”



Text-based Tanya classes from Rabbi Yossi Paltiel are available on his site, http://www.insidechassidus.org/
Posted on thelongshortway.org with permission.




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