Kesser/ Kotzo Shel Yud (the thorn on the yud)/ Hishtalshelus HaK’ssorim

Kesser/ Kotzo Shel Yud (the thorn on the yud)/ Hishtalshelus HaK’ssorim

Kesser means “crown” and is defined as:

1. The initial revelation of light after the tzimtzum. This means, the initial point where we’re no longer in essence or core, but in expression or extraversion. It is the skull, or cranium (from the word crown) relative to the brain.

2.Kesser creates, so to speak, something from nothing. Kesser takes the initial expression which is beyond recognition and brings it into a recognizable state. Imagine your mind is blank cleared of all thoughts: as soon as you realize what you are or are not thinking, you’ve engaged in the next stage after kesser called chochma, the first stage of cognition.

3. Kesser is the center of will and pleasure, being that it transcends cognizance.

4. Kesser is the thorn or tag (which means crown) of the letter yud, especially of G-d’s name, Havaye.

5. Kesser is also a process called hishtalshelus hak’ssorim. The process is as we defined earlier:

a. The initial revelation of light after the tzimtzum– and any tzimtzum, limitation for that matter. Every sefira in the middle column is part of the hishtalshelus ha’kssorim i.e., is the initial stage from one state of being into the next.

For example: from intellect (seichel) to emotion (middos) there is a “leap” which is bridged by da’as (application, recruitment of the emotions). From the higher emotions (chessed, g’vura) until the utilitarian or concrete emotions (netzach, hod), there is a bridge and it is called tiferes. So too, yesod is the bridge between the utilitarian emotions and malchus.

b. The middle column also bridges the right and left columns. This means that chochma (creative thought, mental openness) and binah (analysis, building) are bridged by da’as (application, recruitment of the emotions).

6. This leaping effect makes kesser “infinite” in almost all contexts.

7. Da’as elyon or super-conciousness.

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