Lower Fear (Yira Tattoh, Yira Chitzonis)

Lower Fear (Yira Tattoh, Yira Chitzonis)

Lower level fear is defined by the Alter Rebbe in the introduction to Tikkun Chatzos in his siddur as follows:

Yira chitzonis is a result of being afraid as one would be in the presence of a physical king, who, because of the extent of his sovereignty, inspires fear. As a result of his malchus, sovereignty, on fears, i.e., it is primitive, perhaps immature.

The same applies to G-d. The lower fear would be as a result of thinking about how great G-d’s creation (malchus) is and how everything is under His control. One would be motivated to yiras onesh (fear of punishment) or yiras cheit (fear of the sin itself).

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