12-13 Tammuz, Chag HaGeula: A Sicha in Three Parts; Part Three

12-13 Tammuz, Chag HaGeula: A Sicha in Three Parts; Part Three

III. Giving

Someone who gives, gives out of good will(1) and he gives everything he has. Obviously there are many degrees in quality of giving, but real giver gives completely. A receiver too must receive out of good will: we must receive everything the Rebbe has given us and use it all out.

The Frierdiker Rebbe wrote in his letter(2) to all of us he writes that we should use out the yom tov as a day to farbreng—not to sit and contemplate, alone, about everything that happened then—but a farbrengen to inspire ourselves and everyone around us.

Like we said earlier, this day is a special day: we should have wondrous success in actualizing all the resolutions we’ve taken onto strengthen torah and mitzvos. our success should continue throughout the whole year in our actions, our speech and even our thought…

1. Bovo Basra, 53a

2. Kuntres Chag HaGeula 12-13 Tammuz, 5608 found in Sefer HaMa’amorim 5608 p. 263. Iggeres HaKodesh, Cheilek Beis p. 80, Rayatz

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